• Charity Bike Build

    Our original CSR team building event. Charity Bike Build has already built and donated over 3,000 bikes to charity. Become part of that legacy!
Charity Bike Build

What happens at a Charity Bike Building event?

Suitable for groups of 8 – 2000+, o3e’s Charity Bike Build Challenge begins with a special presentation from the charity receiving the bike donations. Always passionate, sometimes emotional and with the recipients at the centre.

In teams, the group will allocate responsibilities. Who is going to assemble the wheels? Who will be in charge of gears? Who is the safety expert? Once decided, o3e run knowledge sessions where the teams gain the skills necessary to build road-safe bikes. Each knowledge session is led by a qualified o3e bike mechanic and they will teach the participants everything they need to know about building the bike.

Armed with their new found skills the teams regroup and share what they have learnt. Next, with a plan in place and access to tools, grease and air, the team begins the build!

Why build and donate bikes?

The event that started it all! Sometimes copied, never bettered. The original Charity Bike Build.

Fast paced, with the highest levels of engagement, Charity Bike Build encourages great communication, loads of laughter.

At the end, you will donate your newly built, high quality bikes, that make a positive impact upon your chosen charity. One bike could make the difference for a young carer being able to go outside and enjoy being young. One bike could make the difference to a homeless individual being able to get to a job. Your one bike could make one big difference.

Picture of o3e donating bikes
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Charity Bike Build Mini Challenges

As well as the main bike build, there are mini challenges teams can take part in to win bike accessories.

Every bike is donated with a helmet and lock available from the o3e charity bike shop, though the teams may excel enough to add other accessories including lights, a bag, water bottle and a pump!

Every challenge aims to get the teams to work together more efficiently.

  • Velodrome: a mathematical challenge designed to test team’s communication skills.
  • Nail It: a thinking outside the box challenge. Teams need to work together to find the right solution.
  • Virtual Cycle Simulator: an exciting centre piece to an o3e Charity Bike Build is the racing simulator. It’s highly competitive and high energy!

We can be flexible with the challenges included depending on your needs. You may want to include a challenge which incorporates product or business knowledge, you may want to swap some of the cerebral challenges for more physical ones, or vice versa. We’re happy to discuss options with you!

Charity Bike Build FAQs