OnBoard at Home, our very popular OnBoard challenge in the comfort of your own home!
The aim of this challenge is to individually artwork and assemble a skateboard that will be donated to a children’s charity or social inclusion project.
Is there a secret graffiti artist in your team?
Does someone have a hidden artistic talent you didn’t know about?
Do you need to get your creative juices flowing after spending too long at your computer screen?
This is the perfect mindful activity to give your teams a break and do something for a great cause!
Each of your team will receive an OnBoard at Home kit in the post pre-event with everything they need for the day including a blank skateboard deck, trucks and wheels, tools and artistic materials.
On the day of the event, your o3e Team Leader will host the virtual event and introduce the activity. Each participant will be encouraged to use their imagination to create a masterpiece for their chosen charity!
For those who may be over whelmed by a blank board, we have a series of templated boards for your teams to artwork including a graffiti style.
Additional challenges can be added to activity including our OnBoard Quiz and Music Challenge!

Recently we have worked with Barnardo’s who received a number of boards from our clients. The boards have been used as a great activity to reconnect children with their parents.
“At Barnardo’s we have gently pushed the use of Skateboards and have found that young people are really beginning to pick the sport up. The skateboards brought smiles to the young people’s faces but also brought new experiences to their lives, a willingness to be outside, and added fun to exercise.
What with the Olympics adding Skateboarding to the running’s next time around, who knows, it may be one of our young people that headline for the UK in a future Olympics!”
The boards can be donated to a charity of your choice or we can help you find a local social project.